What We Believe

biblical teaching

Crossroads is deeply committed to the teachings of the Bible. We believe that the Bible is without error in all that it affirms and we sincerely attempt to live consistent with its message. Although we are convicted to believe all that the Bible says, we do this with what we call "humble orthodoxy". This means that while having correct biblical beliefs is important, our understanding of the Bible should move us to humility and not pride.


A phrase from the earliest days of the Christian church reflects our beliefs: 

  • In Essential Beliefs - we have unity
  • In Nonessential Beliefs - we have liberty
  • In All Our Beliefs - we show charity


Denominationally, Crossroads is affiliated with the Christian and Missionary Alliance, which is one of the larger denominations in Canada. Historically we could be described as Protestant with evangelical convictions. We take our Statement of Faith from the Alliance.